Notaries in Australia are not cheap. They are qualified lawyers with several years experience. The fee scale for Notaries in NSW can be found at Mostly you are being asked to notarise the documents in Australia because you are not in the overseas country where it needs to be signed. If you were overseas in many instances you could sign it there. Notarising a document in NSW is cheaper than flying overseas to do it. And this doesn’t take into account the time involved in flying there and back (which would mean taking time off work) For transactions with several documents you can also negotiate a discount or preferred rate.

- Travel Exemption – Do you need a Notary for your Vaccination Certificate?
- Power of Attorney – Overseas
- What is a Notary in Australia?
- Domain Name Changes 12 April 2021
- Difference between a JP and Notary Public?
- Foreign Language Documents
- 100 Points ID
- Electronic documents
- Power of Attorney Documents for India (Real Estate, Legal, Divorce, Banking)
- Employer Letter
- Medical Results
- Witnessing still needs to be in person
- How to fill in the DFAT Form
- Medical Report Notarised
- Academic Degree or Certificate Email
- How to notarise Academic Transcripts?
- Can the notary witness a document by video call?
- Name on India Passport different to licence
- Which is cheaper: Fly back home or see the Notary?
- Verifying Copy Documents – How to Save Money
- Good preparation saves money
- Can a notary issue an “Apostille”?
- Notary Clients wasted money – check your overseas documents
- Can I use a JP instead of a notary?
- Check Your Forms
- The biggest mistake you can make before seeing a notary
- My document is in a foreign language, can I sign it in front of a notary?
- How to know what a notary should be charging you
- Things to know about Apostilles