Professional time is a consideration in what notaries charge and what if any discount they are able to give. Therefore it makes sense to do everything you can before you see a notary. Its amazing how many people come in unprepared and what should have been a ten minute consult quickly becomes a half hour or forty minute one.

1. Make your own copies of the original documents. Allowing a notary to use professional time to do something as basic as copying is a complete and often expensive inefficiency for a customer.
For example, University testamurs (commonly requiring certification of the original) are usually large, and framed and if there is messing about to get them copied or shrunk copied to an A4 page then it should be you messing about not the notary.
For passports you almost always only need to copy the identification page (or one or two other specific pages by request).
If documents have a front and back, even if it is only an ID number, copy both of these sides (either as separate pages or front and back) since otherwise this is not a true and complete copy.
For utility or bank statements which have several pages, copy all pages even if the request is only for the first page containing your address. The notary can then decide in his or her discretion whether all pages need certifying, but it is helpful to give them the option. That way you will save notary time if the notary does decide it is necessary for your matter.
2. Notaries are entitled to charge for comparing the original document with the copy document. The recommended charge for this is $45 for each block of time 6 minutes or under. Be sure to have your documents organised properly so that the notary can make the comparison easily and quickly.